Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Add Color to Glass Mason Jar

So, I saw a very cute and easy way to add color to mason jars and thought I'd give it a whirl.  The instructions were super easy and it seemed pretty "fool proof".  Here is what you'll need:

  • clear jar
  • paint brush
  • Mod Podge or Elmers Glue
  • food coloring (green & blue)
  • small plastic cup (so you can throw it away when your finished)
  • plastic spoon
  • Paper bag for work surface

In your plastic cup measure 1tsp. of Mod Podge (or Elmers glue)

Then add 2 drops of blue food coloring and then 1 drop of green food coloring:

Add 1-1/2tsp. of water and mix it all together with your plastic spoon:

Turn your jar upside down onto your work surface (paper bag, paper towels, etc.) then paint thin, even strokes from top to bottom.  If you put it on too thick you will have spots where it is clumpy.  The streaks disappear when it dries (unless it is painted on too thick and then it will show...take it from me, I tried to do a larger piece and felt the need to add more, ugh, wasn't pretty):

Let it dry 2 to 3 hours:

Once it is fully dry it should look something like this:
Isn't it pretty?  If for some reason you aren't happy with the way it turns out you can wash it right off with dishsoap and a paper towel, and try again.  Which means you can change your look according to seasons or whatever strikes your fancy.

This was a super easy project that didn't take a lot of prep time and could be done in a variety of colors.  Don't be afraid to take a leap and experiment, you'll feel so proud of yourself.

*Note that this application can chip or wash off, so it is best to apply to the outside.  Do not apply this to a surface where it where it would touch food.


  1. It is very pretty Debbie. I think I am going to try it myself. I wanted to make my daughter a glass bank out of applesauce jar.

  2. Thanks so much, Cat! Have fun making the bank!

  3. Love it! It will be beautiful with pink flowers! Maybe even lilacs! :)

  4. I Love it!.... im thinking it might be a good craft idea for the jars that dont seal! :)...
